24 Hour In-Home Care

for the ones you love


Making Our Elderly Loved Ones Move


Because of muscle degeneration, bone weakening, and possibly, an illness, an individual, usually an older adult, will have difficulty moving around independently. Thus, they will require mobility assistance from anyone in the vicinity, whether a family member, a friend or sometimes, a stranger.

There are many ways of helping them move and hopefully regain their independence. What are those?

  • The first is exercise.
    The best activities are those recommended by a Physical Therapist specializing in geriatric care. Strength training is good, too. Just get recommendations from their doctor on the intensity and frequency.
  • The second is through companionship.
    With the encouragement of people who love them and enjoy being with them, they can be encouraged to move small steps and short distances every day, gradually increasing over time.
  • The third is through the help of walking aids and other mobility assisting equipment.
    With these items, they can stand up, walk around, and do other mobile activities independently.

Here at Gail’s Homecare, our Home Care Services in Georgia aren’t just focused on helping them regain their ability to move independently. We also prioritize their safety, which will help them move. We are committed to giving you optimum health and comfort without compromising your unique needs. Because we believe you deserve to be served with the heart for your wellness.

Connect with our Elderly Care in Lithonia, Georgia, and get ready to make our elderly loved ones move!

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