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Senior Safety: Best Ways to Prevent Falls at Home


Senior care involves assisting seniors with their daily tasks, maintaining their hygiene, keeping their health in check, and making sure they are safe.

As one of the leading providers of elderly care in Lithonia, Georgia, we specialize in maintaining seniors’ health and safety. Here are our expert advice on reducing your risk of falls at home.

Keep a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular physical activity can help improve your strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Eat foods high in vitamins, minerals, and nutrition. Avoid drinking too many alcoholic beverages. Drink plenty of water instead.

Since one reason for fall accidents in seniors is due to their poor eyesight, get your eyes checked regularly and make sure your eyewear is always updated. Ensure that there is also enough lighting all around your home.

Always aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. If you are having trouble sleeping, change your sleeping habits or consult your doctor. Avoid drinking caffeine after noon time, avoid using your bed for eating or working, and make sure your room is dark and quiet.

Do not wear socks when walking around the house. You can go barefoot or use non-slip footwear. Avoid wearing loose clothing as these may interfere with your movements and eyesight. You also need to keep your floors free of tripping hazards.

If you are looking for high-quality home care services in Georgia, you are in the right place. Look for no other than Gail’s Homecare.

We provide a wide range of home care services, including companionship, personal care, respite care, and veterans care, among others.

For the best live-in care, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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